#####browseIndicators.mst###{{! List of used variables for this template:
id - The indicator id
name - The name to be shown for the indicator
{{#unless empty_search}}
{{#each indicators}}
#####categories.mst###{{! List of used variables for this template:
category - The category
name - The name to be shown for the category
Show indicators sorted/grouped by:
You are viewing a filtered list. Click the reset button to view the entire list.
The results shown below have been filtered to match your initial request, however, there are more indicators available for display. If you click the Reset button the panel below will reload to display all the available indicators.
You are now viewing the full list of available layers.
Available indicators:
You are viewing a filtered list. Click the reset button to view the entire list.
The results shown below have been filtered to match your initial request, however, there are more indicators available for display. If you click the Reset button the panel below will reload to display all the available indicators.
No groups found.
Server List
{{#if this}}
Server Name
{{#if admin}}
Cache Time Stamp
Configure Tools
{{#each server_list}}
{{#if ../admin}}
{{#each includedLayers}}
{{#if @first}}
Included Layers
{{#each excludedLayers}}
{{#if @first}}
Excluded Layers
There are currently no servers available for you to configure. Please close this form and add an external WMS URL to add it to your portal.
Download netCDF
The NetCDF file that you download can be visualised by several free software packages, for instance on linux based systems you can use ncview and on windows based systems you can use QGIS. For more information about the data format and available software take a look at the unidata help pages
{{!-- Using helpers from templates.js:134
Equivilent to:
if state != 'complete' and state != 'failed' --}}
{{#if (and
(ne (call 'state') 'complete')
(ne (call 'state') 'failed')
{{#if_equals (call 'state') 'complete' }}
You can use this panel to produce a range of different plot types or to export data in netCDF format. To refine the data before analysis you can use the controls below, or just jump to 'Make new plot' for the entire spatial extent
Select a pre-defined shared analysis area
Draw a box or any other shape using your mouse
Coordinates for a bounding box (left,bottom,right,top) or a WKT POLYGON
Drag a KML, GeoJSON, IGC, GPX, or TopoJSON file and drop it directly onto the map
Upload a shape file (Requires all three of .shp, .shx & .dbf)
Upload a CSV file containing point data (using this template), optionally including matchup data for comparison in a scatter plot
Login to upload a shapefile or to save your analysis areas for a later visit
Select a previously saved area from the drop down
Choose a layer depth:
There is currently no record of the WCS (Web Coverage Service) URL for this layer, please specify this below as we need this to create a plot:
Use by you of the data (which includes model outputs and simulations)
on this site is entirely at your own risk. This data is
provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or
implied, including without limitation, any implied warranties as to its
merchantability or its suitability for any use. All implied conditions
relating to the quality or suitability of the data and the medium on
which it is provided, and all liabilities arising from the supply of the
data (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the
fullest extent permitted by law.
In using the data you agree to acknowledge use of the data in the
acknowledgment section of any resulting publication.
#####tooltip-layerordermove.mst###Click and hold the indicator name and drag up or down, let go to set the new order
{{round NorthBoundLatitude 2}} N, {{round EastBoundLongitude 2}} E, {{round SouthBoundLatitude 2}} S, {{round WestBoundLongitude 2}} W
{{#if abstract}}
{{{dotdotdot abstract}}}
{{#if serverName}}
Server Name
{{#if owner}}
Date Range
{{dateStart}} » {{dateEnd}}
{{#if owner}}
#####tooltip-scalebar.mst###Click on the scale bar to edit the scale range or layer style.
{{#if string_error}}
Invalid string, you can only use 'a-z', 'A-Z', '0-9', ' ', '_' and the string cannot start with a digit or excede 100 characters.
To record a walkthrough get to the stage you would like the walkthrough to begin at. Click 'Record' and start recording the events you would like to replicate. When you have finished click 'Stop' to end the recording
There are currently no walkthroughs available for you to configure. You either are not an admin, or there are no walkthroughs recorded on this portal yet.
Incoming call{{#if caller}} from {{caller}}{{/if}}