Indicator: {{indicatorObj.descriptiveName}} {{#if bbox}}
BBox: {{truncate bbox 18}} {{/if}} {{#if elevation}}
Depth: {{round elevation 2}} {{indicatorObj.elevationUnits}} {{/if}}
Axis Label :
  1. Title:

  2. Choose a plot type

    {{#if matchup_plot}} Log data before producing regression {{/if}}
  3. Choose a plot style

#####add-indicator-dropdown.mst###{{#each layers}}
  • {{truncate descriptiveName 36}}
  • {{/each}}
  • New Indicator
  • #####add-layers-form.mst###

    {{original_name}}   ({{list_id}}/{{total_pages}})

    {{#unless_equals total_pages "1"}} {{#if_equals ../list_id "1"}}{{/if_equals}}

    {{#if dict}}
    {{#each dict}} {{#if @first}}
    • {{#if @last}}
    {{/if}} {{/each}}

    {{#with legendSettings.Parameters}}


    {{#each tags}} {{#if @first}}
    {{#if_equals ../../list_id "1"}}{{/if_equals}}
    {{/if}} {{#unless @first}}
    {{#if_equals ../../list_id "1"}}{{/if_equals}}
    {{/unless}} {{/each}}
    #####add-layers-table.mst### {{#each this}} {{#if userDefined}} {{/if}} {{/each}} {{!}}
    Layer Display Title Indicator Type(s) Abstract
    #####add-layers-validation.mst###{{#each this}}

    {{@key}} {{this}}

    {{/each}} #####browseIndicators.mst###{{! List of used variables for this template: id - The indicator id name - The name to be shown for the indicator }} {{#unless empty_search}} {{#each indicators}}
  • {{name}}
  • {{else}}
  • No results for "{{search_term}}"
  • {{/each}} {{/unless}} #####categories.mst###{{! List of used variables for this template: category - The category name - The name to be shown for the category }}
    #####category-filter-selectlist.mst### #####category-filter-tabs.mst### #####category-filter.mst### #####category-simple-selectlist.mst### #####collaboration-home.mst###

    Invite People

    Copy the address in the text field below and paste into an email, Skype chat or IRC channel to invite people to your room.

    Press Ctrl+C (or ⌘+C on a Mac) to copy

    Connected people in this room:



    {{/presenter}} {{#diverged}}
    {{/people}} #####collaboration-invite.mst###

    You have been invited to join a collaboration session{{#if from}} by {{from}}{{/if}}

    {{#if image}} {{/if}}


  • You

  • #####collaboration-person-remote.mst###
  • {{person.name}}

  • #####collaboration-status.mst###
    Initialising connection... #####collaboration-video.mst###{{#if compatable}} {{#unless insecure}}

    People With Audio/Video Enabled:


    Audio/Video is not available on insecure origins.

    {{/unless}} {{else}}

    Audio/Video is not available on this browser.

    {{/if}} #####collaboration.mst###
    Edit Group
    {{#if this}} {{#each this}} {{/each}}
    Group Name Members Edit
      {{#each members}}
    • {{this}}
    • {{/each}}
    {{else}} No groups found. {{/if}} #####edit-layers-table.mst###
    Server List
    {{#if this}} {{#if admin}}{{/if}} {{#each server_list}} {{#if ../admin}}{{/if}} {{/each}}
    Server NameOwnerProvider Cache Time Stamp Configure Tools
    {{serverName}}{{owner}}{{provider}} {{timeStamp}}
    {{else}} There are currently no servers available for you to configure. Please close this form and add an external WMS URL to add it to your portal. {{/if}} #####export-raw.mst###
    Download netCDF

    The NetCDF file that you download can be visualised by several free software packages, for instance on linux based systems you can use ncview and on windows based systems you can use QGIS. For more information about the data format and available software take a look at the unidata help pages


    {{title}} ({{units}})

  • {{descriptiveName}}
    {{#if ../user_allowed_to_add}} {{/if}} {{#if ../user_allowed_to_edit}} {{/if}}
  • {{/layer}} #####map-settings.mst###

    Display Options



    {{#each data}}


    {{{meta}}} {{/each}}
    {{{html}}} {{#if (eq plotType 'animation')}} {{else}} {{/if}}
    {{#if id}} {{#if saved}}
    {{/if}} {{else}}

    {{call 'title'}}

    {{!-- Using helpers from templates.js:134 Equivilent to: if state != 'complete' and state != 'failed' --}} {{#if (and (ne (call 'state') 'complete') (ne (call 'state') 'failed') )}}
    {{/if}} {{#if_equals (call 'state') 'complete' }}
    {{#unless ../noCopyEdit}} {{/unless}}
    {{/if_equals}} {{#if_equals (call 'state') 'failed' }}
    The plot could not be built. Downstream error.
    Full error message

    There are now {{indicatorCount}} {{indicatorName}} indicators to choose from. Use the select lists below to refine your selection

    {{cat}} {{tag}}
    {{/refine}} #####scalebar-preview.mst###
    {{#if scalePoints}} {{scale_point ../id 0 true}} {{scale_point ../id 1 true}} {{scale_point ../id 2 true}} {{scale_point ../id 3 true}} {{scale_point ../id 4 true}} {{/if}} #####scalebar.mst###{{#if hasDate}}


    {{/if}} {{#if units}}

    Scale - {{units}}

    {{{scalebar_overlay_text colorbands minScaleVal maxScaleVal log}}}
    {{#if legendSettings.scalePoints}} {{#scalePoints}} {{nicePrint}} {{/scalePoints}} {{/if}}


    Sign in to access more features

    Sign in with

    {{#providers}} {{/providers}} #####start.mst###
    {{#if homepageSlides}}
    {{#each homepageSlides}}
    #####tab-details.mst### {{#displayTags}} {{#if (eq displayName 'Related Layers') }} {{/if}} {{/displayTags}} {{#if provider.email}} {{/if}} {{#if abstract}} {{/if}} {{#if contactInfo}} {{#with contactInfo}} {{#if person}} {{#if position}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if address}} {{/if}} {{#if phone}} {{/if}} {{#if email}} {{/if}} {{/with}} {{/if}}
    {{&displayName}}{{{span_join displayValues "" ""}}} {{else}}
    {{&displayName}}{{str_join displayValues ", "}}
    Bounding box N, E, S, W
    Date range{{firstDate}} to {{lastDate}}
    Email {{provider.email}}
    Abstract {{{abstract}}}
    Contact Person {{person}}
    Contact Position {{position}}
    Address {{{address}}}
    Telephone {{phone}}
    Email {{email}}
    More Information...
    {{#unless_equals minScaleVal null}}
    - 100%
    {{/hasElevation}} {{#if styles.[1]}} {{#hasStyles}}
    {{/hasStyles}} {{/if}} {{#unless_equals minScaleVal null}}


    vector styles


    Terms and Conditions

    Use by you of the data (which includes model outputs and simulations) on this site is entirely at your own risk. This data is provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including without limitation, any implied warranties as to its merchantability or its suitability for any use. All implied conditions relating to the quality or suitability of the data and the medium on which it is provided, and all liabilities arising from the supply of the data (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

    In using the data you agree to acknowledge use of the data in the acknowledgment section of any resulting publication. #####tooltip-layerordermove.mst###Click and hold the indicator name and drag up or down, let go to set the new order #####tooltip-next-previous.mst###
      {{#each this}}
    • {{label}} {{date}}
    • {{/each}}
    #####tooltip-refine-external-details.mst###{{#if name}}
    {{/if}} {{#if firstDate}}
    Date Range
    {{{firstDate}}} - {{lastDate}}
    {{/if}} {{#if exBoundingBox}} {{#with exBoundingBox}}
    Bounding Box
    {{round NorthBoundLatitude 2}} N, {{round EastBoundLongitude 2}} E, {{round SouthBoundLatitude 2}} S, {{round WestBoundLongitude 2}} W
    {{/with}} {{/if}} {{#if abstract}}
    {{{dotdotdot abstract}}}
    {{/if}} {{#if serverName}}
    Server Name
    {{/if}} {{#if owner}}
    {{/if}} #####tooltip-refinedetails.mst###
    Date Range
    {{dateStart}} » {{dateEnd}}
    {{/tags}} {{#if owner}}
    {{/if}} #####tooltip-scalebar.mst###Click on the scale bar to edit the scale range or layer style. #####user-feedback-popup.mst###{{message}} {{#if string_error}}

    Invalid string, you can only use 'a-z', 'A-Z', '0-9', ' ', '_' and the string cannot start with a digit or excede 100 characters.

